Our purpose

Purpose + Profit
We help businesses to “Do Good and Do Well”

Sustainability is about meeting the needs of present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs. But, over production, over trade and over consumption has led to air pollution and climate change, causing shrinkage of forest, soil erosion, decreased wild life habitat, species extinct, water pollution etc. And we also know that the linkage between environment and health is inextricable.

We need to eat and we cannot stop agriculture for the sake of environment. Perhaps, producing food is the single most absolute necessary activity of human engagement. We will cease to exist without food and we also need to increase the production of food as population is growing. However,

“The crucial thing is, to find ways to feed a growing world without ultimately destroying the planet we all depend on”.

Let us look at some data which is alarming, yet opportunity for us to work together to address the current crisis and future needs.

    • 35-40% of all the world’s land is used for agriculture
      • out of which ~ 75% is used for raising animals or feed they eat.
    • Impact of current agriculture and agricultural practices
      • is the largest driver of habitat loss and species decline (deforestation)
      • is responsible for 70% of total water withdrawals and 85% of our global water consumption.
      • Is the largest source of water pollution, especially in the form of nitrogen and phosphorous run off to aquatic ecosystem and coastal oceans.
      • Is one of the largest sources of GHG emissions- 24% directly and 35% if we include indirect emission from larger food system.
      • Is responsible for losing 75 billion tons of top soil (5-20cm) which has the highest concentration of organic matters and micro- organisms.

Let us look at some of the challenges in the food system now and the growing demand.

  • For every $1 spent, the environmental and social costs incurred is $2.
  • Currently, the estimated food thrown away is roughly 30% of production
    • and is estimated to be approximately of value, 1 T $
    • which is approximately, 6 garbage trucks every second globally
    • Developing countries lose it due to lack of infrastructure and developed world due to habits.
  • Roughly 10% of world’s population continues to go hungry
    • By 2050, we will have to feed close to 10b people and would need to increase food production by 70%
    • By 2050, 68% of world’s population will be living in cities, consuming 80% of food production
  • So, if nothing changes, amid increasing food prices, (upto180% for corn and 130% for rice by 2030), we will
    • Have huge loss of nutrients and will be a major cause of environmental issue
    • Run out of food in 28 years
    • Run out of fresh water in 18 years

So, in a nutshell, we have to continue to grow and produce more food but in a sustainable manner that ensures zero waste, minimal or no impact on climate and no depletion of natural resources, nor damaging the ecosystems, thereby the future generations can meet their own needs too.